City Seeks Partners for Housing Opportunities

News Release

Follow up to Housing Action Plan Adopted in 2021

PRINCE RUPERT, OCTOBER 6th, 2022 – The City has issued a Request for Expressions of Interest to develop a short-list of interested parties in providing community housing development for Prince Rupert. In anticipation of upcoming funding opportunities through the Federal Rapid Housing Initiative, the City is looking to identify potential partners to be able to move as quickly as possible should the municipality be successful in receiving grant funding. 

Housing is needed across the spectrum in Prince Rupert’s market; however to address specific community need, the City is also currently undertaking a Housing Needs Assessment that will help to inform the type of housing selected for development.

The Request for Expressions of Interest is now posted to BC Bid, and expressions are due by 2 pm on October 26th. Please see the full package online for additional details.

Media Contact:

Veronika Stewart, Communications Manager

Office: (250) 627 0976

Cell: (778) 884 6285
