Please note that the City's 2022 Council Procedure Bylaw has moved to a "Consent Agenda" process for Council Meetings. A "Consent Agenda" is a tool used to streamline meeting procedures by collecting routine, non-controversial items into a group whereby all are passed with a single motion and vote. Consent agenda items may include: approval of previous minutes; staff and committee reports provided for information only; and, correspondence requiring no action.
The agenda for all regular Council meetings contains the following matters in the order in which they are listed below, however, where appropriate for timing or other reasons, the Director of Corporate & Legislative Services may determine an alternative order or variation in the agenda:
- Call to Order
- Introduction of late items
- Approval of agenda
- Recess to Committee of the Whole - To hear all delegations and applicable staff presentations
- Reconvene Regular Meeting
- Public comment regarding agenda items (this opportunity is now available at every Council meeting)
- Consent Agenda
- Adoption of Council minutes
- Committee and Board Minutes and Reports
- Staff Reports for information purposes (No action required)
- Correspondence (No action required)
- Release of Closed Meeting items
- Committee and Board Recommendations
- Correspondence, Council decision requested
- Staff Reports
- Recess to Closed Meeting as required
- Reconvene Regular Meeting;
- Readings or adoption of bylaws where applicable where required, and approval of permits
- Land Matters
- Notice of Motion
- Business Arising
- Council Round Table & Public Question Period
- Adjournment
Public and statutory hearings are held at 6:00 p.m. the same day as the Regular Council Meeting unless otherwise posted.