In case of emergency, it's up to you to make sure you and your loved ones are well-preparedDepending on the incident, you and your family could be on your own for several days while first responders manage the aftermath of an emergency . Follow the four steps below to start getting organized in case of an incident:
Step 2: Prepare Your Emergency Kit
52 Weeks to Emergency Preparedness
Use this list to add small items to your emergency kits every week. This can make the job of creating a complete kit a little less daunting. -
Step 3: Meet with Your Neighbours
Step 4: Stay Informed
Bookmark these municipal and provincial channels:
@CityofPR for localized directions during an emergency
@PreparedBC for preparedness information
@EmergencyInfoBC and Emergency Info BC for alerts
@BCGovFireInfo for wildfire updates
BC Forest Fire Information (Facebook)
@DriveBC and for road conditions