Community Planning

The following community plans are the most important guiding documents that lead City Council and Administration in decision making regarding the future development of Prince Rupert.

Housing Strategy

The City has adopted an Interim Housing Strategy and is in the process of developing a more long-term vision for housing in the community.

Transportation Plan

Find information on the Connect Rupert Transportation Plan here.

Climate Plan

The City is currently in the process of developing a Climate Plan. Find more information here.

Outdoor Parks and Recreation Plan

The Rupert Plays Outdoor Parks and Recreation Plan sets the stage for the next decade or more of investment in local parks. Additional information can be found here.

Official Community Plan

Find the City's Official Community Plan here, our guiding vision for the community's development for the next decade or more.

Redesign Rupert 2030 Vision

Developed in partnership with the Prince Rupert Port Authority, DP World, Ridley Terminals Inc, and Ray-Mont Logistics, the Prince Rupert 2030 Vision is an ambitious community-driven plan for the next 10 years of planning & development in Prince Rupert.