Solid Waste Routes and Pick Up Schedule:
The different areas on the map below represent the breakdown of areas for solid waste pick up in Prince Rupert. To determine the date for garbage collection in your colour-coded area, please click on the calendar to bring up the schedule, which corresponds with the colours noted on the map.
If you are located on the "boundary border", and are uncertain as to your collection date, please call the Operations department at 250-624-5482.
Recycle Coach
Use the tool included here below to view your pickup schedule, set email, text, or phone reminders for pickups or schedule change notifications, or use the “What Goes Where” tool to look up specific items you’re not sure how best to dispose of.
Request a Bin
Beginning January 1st 2022, household garbage will only be collected if placed into the garbage bins provided by the City to residents. The City has heard from a number of residents who feel that they need more capacity for their weekly garbage collection than the default bin (120L) allows. To accommodate those residents, a larger (240L) bin can be delivered to those households who request one.
Other Recycling
Recycling services are provided by the North Coast Regional District (NCRD) and are funded through taxation and the sale of recyclables.