The Boil Water Notice, put into place at the end of November, is now anticipated to last another 4-6 weeks. As noted in a previous update, in December the City became aware that due to the installation of the new water supply main there is an isolated section of pipe where water has sat too long. This water has the potential to be reintroduced to the water supply. In recent weeks the City and contractors working on the project have identified and commenced the work plan to address this issue. The City has been provided a completion date for the end of February for the project, and will work to reduce that timeframe wherever possible.
Biking, Walking and Rolling
The City of Prince Rupert strives to maintain itself as a compact and walkable community. Although currently underdeveloped, as infrastructure renewal occurs, the City and our local partners are committed to improving biking and rolling amenities, and to increase the overall accessibility of the community.
For more information on bike safety, see below:
Sharing the road with cyclists
On average, nearly four out of five crashes involving cyclists occur at intersections in B.C. When driving, you can help reduce the chances of a crash by sharing the road safely and following these tips:
Don't get distracted. Watch for cyclists on the road and make eye contact if you can, so they can anticipate your next move.
Yield the right-of-way. Yield to cyclists and signal well in advance if you need to cross a designated bike lane or pull over to the side of the road.
Look out. Shoulder check for cyclists before turning right and watch for oncoming cyclists before turning left. Scan for cyclists before you enter the roadway from an alley or get in and out of a parking spot.
Keep a safe distance. Maintain at least three metres behind cyclists and at least one metre when passing a cyclist. Don't risk side-swiping or running a cyclist off the road.
Dooring is dangerous. To avoid dooring (video, 30secs) a cyclist, both drivers and passengers must shoulder check before opening doors. This will also help you avoid a violation and fine.
(Information taken directly from ICBC)
Safety tips for cyclists
Be safe on the road when you're cycling with these simple tips:
Start at the top. Wearing an approved bicycle helmet that meets safety standards is the law in B.C. and you could be fined for not wearing one. Focus on how it fits: the helmet should sit level on your head (not tilted back) with the front edge one inch or less above your eyebrows to protect your forehead and should be snug so it can't roll off of your head when the chin strap is secured.
Follow the rules of the road. Make sure you obey all traffic signs and signals and adhere to the rules of the road.
Bike lanes and/or low traffic streets are best. Use designated bike routes or low-traffic streets whenever possible – they're safer and reduce conflicts with vehicle traffic. Prince Rupert currently does not have a bike lane network, however plans to implement one have been included in the City's Transportation Plan, and will be part of infrastructure renewal work moving forward.
Shoulder check. Use hand signals and shoulder check in advance before taking any turns. Remember, drivers sometimes fail to yield right-of-way.
Reflect on safety. Be extra visible with reflective gear on your bicycle pedals and wheels. Protect yourself before cycling
Always wear an approved bicycle helmet that meets safety standards (CSA, ANSI, ASTM or SNELL B-95) and occasionally check for signs of wear. Wearing a helmet is the law in B.C. and you could be fined for not wearing one.
Remember to plan for poor weather or low light conditions. Your bicycle must be equipped with a front white headlight and a rear red light/reflector. Be extra visible with reflective gear on your pedals and wheels.
Be aware of road markings and what they mean in the area that you're cycling in. There are many different types of bicycle infrastructure, know your shoulders from your sharrows and learn the local bike signage for your municipality.
Use caution around parked vehicles. Be aware of people in vehicles as well as taxis to avoid getting hit by an opening door. Try to keep at least one metre away from parked vehicles.