Business Licenses

If you are operating as a business or trade in the City of Prince Rupert, you are required to apply for a business license. Licensing is renewed annually, and all fees must be paid in order to have a license in good standing.

Please complete the trade license application and return it to Customer Services at City Hall along with the required fees.

 See below for access to the City's Business License Application and List of Licensing fees. 

Business/Trade License Application 

List of License Fees (PDF)

For more information on Business Licencing, please see the City’s brochure on Trade Licences (PDF).

Online Application and Other Business Resources

BizPaL is an innovative online service that provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information about business permits, licenses and other requirements needed to start, operate and grow your business from the federal, provincial/territorial and participating municipal governments.

Apply today!

Looking to start a business in Prince Rupert?

We have an online toolkit that's right for you! Check out our investment portal at: to learn more about Prince Rupert's advantages, the economic climate, opportunities and resources to support your business. 

For more information on starting a business in Prince Rupert, or to access additional support, feel free to reach out to our Economic Development Office at:

Prince Rupert Economic Development Office

424 3rd Ave West        
Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 1L7
Facebook page:

Paul Vendittelli

Director of Transportation and Economic Development
City of Prince Rupert
Tel: (250) 627-5138