The Operations Department manages and maintains City infrastructure and properties. Some of the services provided by Operations include: Maintenance of water, sewer, storm sewer, roads, sidewalks, parks, fields, tot lots, and trails; Cemetery maintenance; Sanitation and Landfill services; and, maintenance of Street Lighting. Do you have a service request or query to make to the Operations Department? We take hazards or issues of community safely very seriously. Please report all hazards and safety issues to staff. See below for a list of City service numbers, available for your convenience, or use our online form.

Drinking Water
Major Projects
Contact City Staff to Report a Concern
- Customer Service Line – 250-624-6795
- After Hours – 250-624-3000
- Weekend Emergencies – 250-624-3000
- Streetlight Repair Reporting – 250-627-0988
Or email to report your concern.