Civic Recognition Awards

Please note, the 2024 nomination period for Civic Recognition Awards is now open. Nominations will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Friday, June 7th. 

The Council of the City of Prince Rupert may bestow a “Civic Recognition” award, when deemed appropriate, for the formal recognition of outstanding achievements by an individual, and/or group. To nominate someone you feel is an outstanding resident, see the award nomination sheet below. Nominations are sought in May of each year.

There are six levels of “Civic Recognition” which residents can be nominated for. See below for detailed description of the award types. 

Award Nomination Criteria and Forms

Below is the Civic Recognition Policy that describes criteria for how awards are selected, as well as separate forms for each reward category described above. 

Note: The forms provided above are fillable PDFs. Before filling one out, please ensure you download the form to your computer and save your responses to prevent potential loss of information. 

For more information:

For additional information on the application process or to submit a nomination, please contact the Administration Department at:

Administration Department

424 3rd Ave West, Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 1L7

Tel: 250-627-0939

Fax: 250-627-0999


Office Hours: 9:30am – 4:30pm Mon to Fri

CLOSED weekends and Stat Holidays