Council's Strategic Plan - 2023-2026
A strategic plan outlines a City’s vision, goals, and actions to achieve those goals and vision. It is typically a shorter timeframe than contemplated by an OCP. The Strategic Plan guides the City in focusing workplans and expending resources. In preparing this Strategic Plan, Council considered the purpose of municipalities as established in Section 7 of the Community Charter, and the recently completed Vision 2030 strategy and Official Community Plan documents. It also considered the incomplete strategic actions set by the prior Council along with all potential new actions referred for consideration in the updated Strategic Plan. From these materials, Council established this Strategic Plan document which articulates the guiding vision, the goals intended to move the City toward achieving that vision, and the specific actions need to realize it. See below for a copy of the Strategic Plan for 2023 through to 2026. Updates to the original plan will also be posted in this location as they are adopted.
City of Prince Rupert - Strategic Plan Update - October 2024