Committee of the Whole meetings are intended to be a less formal forum for all of Council to hear presentations as well as community concerns. Meetings take place on the last Monday of each month. Issues brought forth in a Committee of the Whole meeting will not be formally addressed through adoption of a motion, but recommendations may be brought forth from the Committee of the Whole into a subsequent Regular meeting of Council for consideration.
Public attendance and participation are encouraged at Committee of the Whole meetings. It is also an appropriate forum for public delegations to make presentations, because the committee structure allows for less formal discussion and questions from Council. In accordance with Council Procedure Bylaw No. 3092, 2000, any persons wishing to present to Council must provide their request, in writing, at least seven (7) days before the date of the meeting to the Director of Corporate & Legislative Services. For more information on making a presentation to Council, see the Frequently Asked Questions section of our Presenting to Council page.