The City of Prince Rupert has rules and procedures as well as incentive programs and information to guide developers operating in our community. The following sections will help to guide you in determining appropriate steps to take when seeking to build and develop in Prince Rupert.

Zoning Regulations
Building + Development Permits
Find your property and the zoning that applies

Parking Regulations

Official Community Plan

All Application Forms
Who should you contact for different services?
See below for a breakdown of the different ways our City Departments oversee your applications for building and development.
The Development Services Department at the City of Prince Rupert coordinates all applications and permits to the appropriate City department.
The Planning Department reviews applications pertaining to Land Use and applications or permits to change or relax existing regulations – applications to amend the Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw, Development Permits, Development Variance Permits, and Minor Signs/Minor Works Permits (application for minor signs/works is the same as a Development Permit)
Any work involving City Land requires approval of the City’s Operations Department. Subdivision and stratification, for instance, must be approved by the Approving Officer in the Operations Department.
The approval of the Building Department is required* for any work involving:
the design, construction and occupancy of new buildings, structures and plumbing systems; and,
the alteration, reconstruction, demolition, removal, relocation and occupancy of existing buildings, structures and plumbing systems
*unless exempted under the Building Code or the City of Prince Rupert’s Building Bylaw.