Notice of Temporary Use Permit for 935 2nd Ave West

Public Notice

As per Section 494 of the Local Government Act and Section 94 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the City is considering an application for a Temporary Use Permit at the property legally described as: PARCEL A (SEE TJ8332) BLOCK 25 SECTION 1 DISTRICT LOT 1992 RANGE 5 COAST DISTRICT PLAN 923 ( 935 2nd Avenue West).

Subject Property where goats are proposed to be kept

Purpose: To authorizes the owner(s) and applicant to keep two (2) goats as part of a vegetation management strategy on a temporary basis of up to three years.

This application may be considered at the December 11th Council Meeting. Copies of the draft permit and conditions of this use can be viewed at the front desk of City Hall between November 27th and December 8th, 2023.

All persons who deem themselves affected by the Temporary Use Permit may present written submissions respecting the Application. All submissions (mailed, or electronic) must be received by Rosamaria Miller, Director of Corporate & Legislative Services, by no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 8th. Please mail to City of Prince Rupert, 424 3rd Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J 1L7 or email to