Major Work on Water Distribution System in East Side Neighbourhoods Starting in 2025

News Release

Replacement of Water Pipes to Begin in Crestview Area

PRINCE RUPERT, DECEMBER 19th, 2024 – Heading into 2025, the City has now received complete designs to replace critical failing water and sewer mains in the Crestview area, with construction to start early in the new year. This is the first of multiple areas of the east-side of the community that will see major replacement of failing infrastructure, with an Open House event to be scheduled early in the new year to share additional information on impacts with residents. 

“Rebuilding our decaying water and sewer distribution systems is going to be messy and disruptive. We simply must do the work needed to get our infrastructure to a more manageable place. This is the generation that is going to get that done for future Rupertites,” said Mayor Herb Pond.

A key priority of this work is the project occurring currently on Frederick/Prince Rupert Blvd as well as Shawatlan Road to the Industrial site. Both work areas are replacing the critical water supply and distribution lines that bring water directly from the source to our community. Additionally, the older of our two submarine water lines that carries water beneath the harbour from our lake-based water sources is also slated to be replaced in 2025. Designs for the water line are 80% complete and it is currently in the permitting phase with higher levels of Government. 

In terms of the impacts that residents may see and feel more closely, the following areas are anticipated to be impacted in 2025 by construction works, with design, costing and scheduling currently under way or starting in the near future: 

  • Back half of Crestview
  • Conrad and Victoria Street
  • 11th Avenue
  • Alfred and Bacon Street
  • Areas of Hays Cove Ave
  • And areas of 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th

What will that look like in practice in construction areas? The following is a list of impacts:

  • Planned construction hours of 7:00 am—5:30 pm, 7 days a week.
  • Parking access restrictions will occur when construction is in your section of street for both on-street parking and driveways. (Additional notice to be provided to impacted households + street signage posted in advance).
  • Disruptions to driveway accesses are likely when service upgrades are made to individual lots.
  • There may be impacts to landscaping/retaining walls or other improvements at the front of the property where the owner has encroached on City property. (If you don’t know if you are encroaching and live in one of the above neighbourhoods, ask!). If landscaping or retaining walls are located on City road right of way, it will be the responsibility of the owner to repair and/or replace.
  • Crews will keep access open for pedestrians
  • Regularly scheduled waste pick up will be provided. Please bring your garbage and recycling bins to the curb by the usual 8 am time on your pick up day.
  • Intermittent boil water notices will occur due to construction impacts, but contractors and the City will work to limit these as much as possible.
  • Residents will see dust and/or muddy conditions of roadways due to construction.
  • Streets will be left in a gravel state until weather windows allow for paving—which may delay paving to Spring.
  • Work may be rescheduled due to weather conditions or other circumstances beyond our control. Advance notice will be provided whenever possible.

Wherever possible, the City will work with project contractors to limit the above noted impacts and will also be staggering construction schedules to minimize traffic impact at the neighbourhood level. We also encourage anyone living in those areas with a physical disability that may need assistance to reach out via or call (250) 627 2850 so that we can work to provide support. 

For more information on upcoming capital improvements to our water supply infrastructure, go to


Veronika Stewart, Manager of Communications, Engagement & Social Development
City of Prince Rupert
Office: (250) 627 0976