Agenda & Addendums
Did you miss the meeting? Check out the summary of key agenda items below:
- Council held a Committee of the Whole meeting where they received a report summarizing feedback from the 2024 Budget consultation process. The full discussion is available on our Youtube Channel, and the report summarizing the input is available as part of the agenda package, here: The Committee of the Whole meeting was also a second in person opportunity to provide feedback on the budget. No members of the public were present to speak to the budget. Based on information received at the Committee of the Whole, at the Regular Meeting, Council directed staff to prepare the 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw for 2024, with two additional requests to have staff meet with the Lester Centre Board regarding long term funding needs, and for staff to continue to look for opportunities to fund the 4th Avenue staircase in 2024. The first readings of the 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw are planned to be presented to Council at a Special Meeting next week.
- In the Regular meeting, Council provided a resolution formally authorizing borrowing for the purchase of heavy equipment with the Municipal Finance Authority. This financing was approved in the 2023 Budget, with the separate resolution an additional requirement of the MFA.
- Council gave final approval to a Development Variance Permit for 1439 Overlook Street, and sent a second Development Variance Permit for 807 Alfred Street to public notification.
- Council gave first, second and third reading to an amendment to the 2023 Five Year Financial Plan bylaw to enable the City to cover overages in our budget for emergency water repair costs with funds available in our land acquisition and disposal reserve fund, which will be repaid through interest earned on Provincial funding provided for water replacement
repairs. Final adoption of this Bylaw will be considered at an upcoming Regular Council meeting.
The full agenda package is available on the City's website, here: and the video is now posted to our Youtube Channel, here: