Regular Council Meeting - November 12th, 2024

Agenda & Addendums
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  • Council Summary for Meeting November 12th:

    • At the Committee of the Whole, there was a presentation of the Chief Financial Officer regarding the 2025 Proposed Budget and the final opportunity for the public to provide in person feedback to Council. One member of the public spoke before Council. Alternative options are open until November 15th, where feedback can be submitted via, calling (250) 627 0935, providing written feedback at the front desk of City Hall, and through our budget simulator, available here: 
    • At the Regular Meeting, Mayor Herb Pond gave a statement of condolences with respect to the passing of Premier John Horgan
    • Council discussed a report provided by the Deputy City Manager on the 3rd Ave and Fulton streetlight in the Consent Agenda and the potential to keep the light to a four way stop, to be considered as part of 2025 Budget deliberations at the next meeting
    • Council approved a proclamation to declare November Adoption and Permanency month
    • Council approved a resolution of support to apply to the Union of BC Municipalities for $110,000 in joint funding with Port Edward and the North Coast Regional District to develop a local Indigenous cultural safety training program 
    • Council received a report for information purposes on the proposed Utility Bylaws which provided two options for fee reductions requested at the previous meeting. Council requested staff bring forward a third option for consideration that looks at redistributing funds from a proposed Housing Service in the 2025 Budget towards the debt for utility replacement that is a main driver of increases to utility fees. All options provided will be considered at the next meeting of Council.