The City of Prince Rupert provides several services right from our website. Please see the list below to find the particular online service you're looking for.
Terms of Use Policy
Material on the City of Prince Rupert website is intended for research purposes and private use only. Any re-use, transmission, duplication or distribution without the express written permission of the City of Prince Rupert is not permitted.
BizPaL is an innovative online service that provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information about business permits, licences and other requirements needed to start, operate and grow your business.
Public Notifications
Here you will find information and links for the Prince Rupert Mobile App, as well as the Emergency Notification System for residents and visitors.
Flight Information
Need to know when your flight departs Prince Rupert? You've come to the right place.
Tax Certificate Inquiries
Please note that tax certificates can be provided by the City Hall Customer Service desk upon request. Additional information on the process is below: