Home-Source Lead in Drinking Water

Due to the age of our community, many homes and businesses were built where lead solder was used in plumbing components. When water is left to stagnate, lead and copper can leach into your water supply, making it important to flush your water prior to drinking if you have copper pipes and/or are unaware of the plumbing materials used in your home. Information provided below is intended to give you knowledge to make informed decisions about water quality in your home or business. 

Below are tips to assist you in reducing potential health effects from home-sourced lead in drinking water. 

The City of Prince Rupert works hard to ensure the safety and high standards of drinking water. More information can be found on our website or by calling 250-627-0976. 

Questions for Northern Health’s Environmental Health team can be directed to php@northernhealth.ca

This information was also sent to Prince Rupert homes in April of 2018, the original flyer is below:

Tips to Reduce Home Source Lead in Drinking Water (PDF)