Request a Bin

Prince Rupert black trash bins with coat of arms and serial number stamped on the side.

Residents may request a larger garbage bin for their household

Beginning January 1st 2022, household garbage will only be collected if placed into the garbage bins provided by the City to residents. The City has heard from a number of residents who feel that they need more capacity for their weekly garbage collection than the default bin (120L) allows. To accommodate those residents, a larger (240L) bin can be delivered to those households who request one. 

Before you request a larger bin, please be aware that additional fees will be applied to your solid waste account to cover the cost of the bin delivery and increased service level.

These fees are:

  • $10.40 one-time bin exchange fee (fee valid through 2024)
  • $104.04 surcharge on annual solid waste collection utility fee (fee valid through 2024)

The City recommends that all residents try to recycle as much of their waste as possible before requesting a larger bin.

Doing your part to recycle is not only good for the environment, but also significantly reduces expenses for the City and local taxpayers. The development, maintenance, and operation of the City landfill is very expensive, and so it’s important that we all do what we can to extend the life of those facilities as much as possible. The development of the latest landfill cell has cost the City and local taxpayers over $10 million dollars to construct, so extending the lifespan of that infrastructure by recycling is in everyone’s interest.

If you’re certain that you’d like a larger bin for your curbside garbage collection, please fill in the form linked below.  This form may be used to replace a damaged bin, or if a bin has gone missing. Please note that you’ll be requested to provide the serial number  printed on your existing bin in order to complete your request, as shown below. If you do not have the serial number for a lost bin, the serial number for your remaining bin can be used to look up your account.

Bin serial number and Prince Rupert Coat of Arms stamped on a bin.

Request a Bin