Regular Council Meeting - February 26, 2024

Agenda & Addendums
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  • Did you miss Monday's meeting? Check out the key highlights from the Council meeting below:

    • Council received a presentation from the Prince Rupert and District Hospice Society on the importance of Advanced Care Planning. For more information on how you can ensure that your family knows your wishes if you become ill or pass away, reach out to Hospice directly or check out this Provincial Health resource with additional information – including a “My Voice” printable booklet resource:
    • Council approved two remedial action orders for 201-2nd Avenue West and 1913 7th Avenue East. Remedial action orders are processes the City can take to remediate properties and, where necessary, remove buildings that present hazard or nuisance to the community, with specific processes laid out in the Community Charter. Once Council has approved an order and a notice has been sent, the property owner has a set period of time to request a reconsideration notice, at which time Council can decide whether to proceed with building removal. Updates on these orders will be provided at a future meeting of Council.
    • To address housing availability and affordability challenges, Council endorsed a resolution to send to the North Central Local Government Association and the Union of BC Municipalities to request that the Province’s speculation and vacancy tax be extended to all BC communities.
    •  Following approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Council gave final reading to Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3506, 2023, which extended the permitted land use of Child Care Facilities to P1: Public Facilities and to RM1-5 Zones as an accessory use (not including home occupations and limited to the first floor with ground level access).
    •  Council directed staff to write a letter of support for a dedicated northern process as it relates to BC Ferries long-term vision for servicing the North and Central Coast population
    • With respect to a request that came forward from the North West Regional Hospital District Board regarding the allocation of our votes at the table, Council voted to assign Councillor Cunningham 3 votes, Mayor Pond 2 votes of the 5 votes allocated to the City.
    •  Council also resolved to invite representatives from business and industry, government, local First Nations, Northern Health and the medical community, to discuss and implement strategies that support recruitment and retention of medical professionals in Prince Rupert, with an immediate focus on physicians. They also resolved to consult with Northern Health regarding the appropriate public use of Emergency Services, publicly available alternatives for non-emergency services, and to support Northern Health by using the City’s communications to publicize the resulting information.
    •  In the roundtable session, Council made note of the announcement of the Northwest Resource Benefits Agreement, announced during the Budget speech last week. The 5 year Agreement will see $250 million distributed between communities up through the northwest corridor, with the funding allocation amounts still pending agreement by partner communities. Additional information on Prince Rupert’s allocation will be shared as soon as it is available, with the fund anticipated to support much needed investment in our municipal infrastructure.

    Want access to the full agenda package (which contains additional info)? Head to:

    The video of the meeting will also be posted to our Youtube Channel, here: