Agenda & Addendums
Did you miss last night’s Council meeting? Check out our summary of the main agenda items below.
- At the beginning of the meeting, Council received a presentation from the Prince Rupert Port Authority on their overall position, challenges and opportunities as well as future outlook on port developments.
- At the opportunity for public comment, two members of the community came forward to speak to the Port’s presentation, and another person came forward to speak to their proposed Development Variance Permit application for a housing development on Drake Crescent.
- Council approved the schedule of Council meetings for 2024, which will be available on the City’s website later in the week: https://www.princerupert.ca/city-hall/council-meetings/council-meeting-schedule
- Council received a report from staff on Reconciliation Roundtable sessions held over the Spring – Summer and directed staff to form an Indigenous Relations Committee. The full report on key themes and recommendations of folks who participated in the roundtable sessions is available in the agenda package on our website. Invitations to key organizations as well as a general call out for participants will be posted in early January.
- Council approved a Development Variance Permit for a new housing development on Drake Crescent to move to the statutory notification process. The variance would reduce setback and parking requirements for a proposed 44 unit housing development.
- Council approved a Development Variance Permit for 807 Alfred Street.
- Council approved a Temporary Use Permit for 935 2nd Avenue West (Moby Dick Inn) to enable the property owner to have 2 goats within the fenced area of their property for up to 3 years. The permit includes conditions related to protection of the welfare of the animals.
- Council passed the 2024 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw (2024 Budget), with final property tax rates to be considered in the Spring after all property assessment values are known.
- Council gave first and second readings to a proposed OCP and Zoning amendment proposed for the area surrounding Kwinitsa station that will bring future development of that area into alignment with community objectives for the waterfront. For more information on what is being proposed, head to: https://engage.princerupert.ca/waterfront-development. A public hearing on the development will be scheduled and shared in the new year.
- Council gave final reading to the 2023 Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw.