Application for Stratification

Panorama of houses. There is an assortment of houses in a row. Most of the houses have multiple stories.

The Condominium Act of British Columbia outlines province-wide conditions for the conversion of existing rental units into stratified units. As the identified "approving authority" in Prince Rupert, City Council is bound by this Act, and therefore, must consider the following in making a decision regarding any stratification application:

(a) the priority of rental accommodation over privately owned housing  in the area

(b) the proposals  of the owner developer for the relocation  of persons  occupying the building;

(c) the life expectancy of the building;

(d) projected major increases in maintenance costs due to the condition of the building; and,

(e) if the building substantially complies with all applicable bylaws of the municipality.

Prince Rupert City Council has adopted a Policy on Stratification of Existing Rental Units. The goals of this Policy are:

(i) to protect Prince Rupert's existing  stock of rental units, which are generally considered to be a large component of the affordable housing in the community; and,

(ii) to ensure that the existing  tenants living in the rental units affected by the stratification have access to adequate and affordable  housing.

To meet these goals, City Council has established a number of regulatory requirements to be met by all proponents of stratification applications. These policies are outlined in the application, where space is provided for your responses to these requirements.

Would you like to start an application?

Please see below for the Application for Stratification.

Stratification Application and Guidelines (PDF)