Development Variance Permit

Panorama of houses. There is an assortment of houses in a row. Most of the houses have multiple stories.

A Development Variance Permit (DVP) is permission to relax, i.e. vary, a land use regulation such as the Zoning Bylaw. A DVP may be applied for if an owner wishes to relax a regulation for minor changes, or to relieve hardship, so long as those changes are not substantial enough to require a rezoning application. Changes to use/density cannot be modified with a DVP.

They are often used to…

  • Vary the set-back requirement for a deck or garage
  • Vary the height restriction for building or structure
  • Allow changes to a legally non-conforming structure beyond what is permitted

Development Variance Permits are reviewed by City Council. After an application is made, it is introduced to City Council during a regular meeting, proceeding to a public notification and comment period, and then decided on by Council.

For more information on zoning specifications, you can find the full Zoning Bylaw online or at City Hall.

Would you like to start an application?

Please find the City’s Development Variance Permit Application and an informational brochure on the application process below:

Development Variance Permit Application (PDF)

Brochure – Development Variance Permit (PDF)